DSE '10 Q4 Business Barometer Reports Higher DOOH Revenue, Positive Prospects

- 97% of all survey participants continue to be positive about the future of
the DS industry.
- 51% End-Users/Network Operators reported actual DOOH Advertising Revenues
were 4% Higher than Q3.
- End-user companies reported a slight increase in upgrade activity and new
installations with 10% of category respondents reporting a first-time
installation, while 76% of the category respondents said they had upgraded
or replaced technology and equipment.
- Hottest industry growth categories for the next twelve months include:
Retail, Healthcare, Restaurant, Education and Transportation.
- Only 22% of Ad Agency Executives and Brand Managers who responded
indicated that Q4 advertising spending was up over Q3; while 65% said it
"remainded about the same" - an overall positive of 87% who saw no decline.
- While only 48% of that same group forecast an even higher spend in Q1,
- The top DOOH Network categories taht Ad Agencies are investing in include:
Arts/Entertainment/Recreation, Bar/Tavern/Night Club, Public Spaces,
Transportation, Bank/Brokerage, Restaurant and Retail.

Link to the report here
