Imperative and Invidis Create Worldwide Digital Signage Consulting Alliance

Los profesionales de la investigación y la consultoría (cuando proviene de especialistas de marketing y comunicación) ayudan a profesionalizar el sector del digital signage y dotarlo del punto de vista que necesitamos, más allá de la visión meramente tecnológica que impera ahora mismo. En esta ocasión me ha llegado la nota de prensa de Chris Heap sobre el acuerdo entre Imperative Group e Invidis Consulting. La trayectoria de ambas en aportar consultoría y estudios al mercado del digital signage es amplia y cuentan con colaboradores de primer nivel en Europa y Norte América.

We are pleased to announce that as of the 20th October 2009, the Imperative Group (Imperative) and invidis consulting GmbH (invidis), both European digital signage and digital out of home consultancies, have created a strategic alliance to offer comprehensive consulting, go-to market and project support services for retailers, landlords, media agencies, brands and technologists.
As separate businesses, invidis offers market research, analytics, procurement, communication and event services to high tech, digital, and enterprise clients. Imperative offers network development, delivery and marketing communication services to the digital, retail and media sectors.

Both businesses operate across Europe and the Middle East with Imperative also bringing to bear its North American associates to add experiential value and geographic coverage to the alliance.
Combined, the strategic alliance offers prospective and existing digital signage & out of home media customers a wider set of skills, competencies and know-how which is offered through a simple single-touch management point regardless of whether you reach out first to Imperative in the UK or invidis in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Both partners will work closely together to add value and apply our combined experience, know-how, people, contacts and networks to provide a depth of knowledge, operational expertise and capability to successfully deliver your project to the highest standard.

The psychological and operational fit between both businesses is highly complementary, where each business is both vendor and technology agnostic to ensure our strategic approach, recommendations, procurement and operational processes put customer needs first.

Retailers, landlords, brands, media agencies, technology companies and network operators will now be able to draw from the value and experiences offered by both businesses and their combined team of over twenty highly skilled digital media experts across EMEA and North America, all of whom are experienced, technology agnostic independent practitioners in their own right.

The alliance's eight step process forms the basis of the core service portfolio:

1. Orientation:

Provides a full suite of early stage evaluation tools for customers and their stakeholders looking to develop digital networks or associated products & services, which includes Orientation, Strategy and Development (OSD) workshops.

2. Business intelligence:

Provides a comprehensive suite of analytics services which includes market, process & competitive analysis, best practice, costs and revenue options.

3. Project mapping:

A systematic identification & assessment of all key areas, components, processes and outputs. These inform the final product and its composition, approach, operational capability, measurement method, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and financial modelling.

4. Project qualification:

A formal process of engaging internal and external stakeholders with the project map to assess favourability, commitment and feedback for the purposes of validating the project and/or business case prior to signoff.

5. Operational:

Provides a single-point of responsibility for the sourcing, procurement, building, delivery, management and billing of all facets of capital, operational and people resources required to deliver the project.

6. Strategic communication:

Provides clients with access to a range of proprietary PR, marketing & media channels across EMEA and North America by virtue of the alliance's industry, media and journalist relations, contacts & associations plus the portal.

7. Face to face promotion:

The organization of a range of physical events including trade shows, road-shows, conferences and roundtables to support product launches and product developments to help the market understand its value, where it is best demonstrated face to face.

8. Thought leadership:

A process of assimilating complex technical, media or commercial products & services into accessible and digestible formats. This will improve access & understanding of the subject matter usingopinion forming channels such as white papers, articles, opinion pieces and speaking engagements on the European & US circuits for example.

"In forming this alliance, we can help our customer's conceive, manage and deliver digital signage projects that create viewer value and returns measurable benefits to the brand through managed, measured and accountable practises. We then add exceptional value by applying the talent of our international network of knowledgeable retail media and digital out of home experts to help us achieve the best possible results for our clients and their customers"

Chris Heap, Managing Director, Imperative Group

"This alliance brings together two complementary businesses with shared values and working principles. I believe this offers real value to the marketplace in terms of the talent, knowledge, process and operational practices we can bring to bear for prospective or existing clients in the digital signage and out of home markets whether they be in Europe, North America or the Middle East"

Florian Rotberg, Managing Director, invidis consulting
