Tweets & Thoughts sobre las conferencias de contenidos (DSA): Best Practices in Digital Signage Contents

Algunos de los tweets relevantes que he seguido sobre las conferencias: Best Practices in Digital Signage Content (Digital Signage Association). Podemos encontrar ideas muy interesantes que nos están trasladando Paul Flanigan (Experiate), Keith Kelsen (MediaTile) y Michael Case (St Joseph)

@DigSignageToday: DS - first connection where consumers are matched with the expectations of the medium itself #DSA
@DigSignageToday: Focus of the webinar is on Retail and POS digital signage
@MediaTile: Comparisons of point-of-sale vs. point-of-wait vs. point-of-transit networks
@MediaTile: "When a consumer steps in a store, digital signage is part of the journey." Kelsen
@DigSignageToday: Ad messages are everywhere - but when we step in store, things change. Thats why the last 3 feet are so important
@MediaTile: Out-of-store tactics and in-store tactics need to be aligned
@DigSignageToday: A majority of purchases are made in store, but instore media is an afterthought - Michael Chase
@DigSignageToday: Retailers need to understand the Path to Purchase - at home, on the go, in-store
@MediaTile: How do you make digital signage an asset to your customers and part of the wholistic process to help the shopping experience
@DigSignageToday: Convert customers from Consumers to active shoppers
@MediaTile: - All touch points and mediums are important in retail.

@MediaTile: A database of great images can enhance your digital signage content. And keep adding and adding. Michael Chase
@MediaTile: It's important to provide consumer with the same "flow" and it will resonate with them. Chase
@MediaTile: Digital signage is the ideal platform in getting the right message delivered to the right people at the right time. Kelsen
@DigSignageToday: Paul Flanigan to talk about Best Buy experience with Insignia brand - generating awareness
@DigSignageToday: 4 factors to make contentt compelling in retail - Subject differintiation
@DigSignageToday: Customer engagement, Augment the environment, and competitor differrentiation

@DigSignageToday: - Insignia digital signage content designed for Best Buy, shown by @paulflanigan
@DigSignageToday: Insignia sales began to rise last summer after launching in-store digital signage campaign
@DigSignageToday: - Insignia's second part of campaign: Lifestyle

@DigSignageToday: Takeaways: Not about the product, about the purpose; differentiation is the key; custom content needs to be created for the enviroment.
@DigSignageToday: Cusomer research + brand propostion + Environmental features + high production value = SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN!
@DigSignageToday: Chase now going to Dunkin Donuts digtial signage case study #DSA

@MediaTile: - @DunkinDonuts case study is up next on the webinar. #DSA
@MediaTile: - Key to @DunkinDonuts success was tying in with external marketing activities
@DigSignageToday: Had to break Dunkin sales into dayparts to find what content works best a which time #DSA
@DigSignageToday: Results of Dunkin project: educated customers, created entusiams for employees, raised sales of promtoed items up to 46% #DSA
@DigSignageToday: Dunkin test used facial recognition #DSA
@MediaTile: - Results reveal educated customers, enthusiasm & 46% sales increase

@MediaTile: "Planning ahead with defined objectives will help you achieve measurable results with a retail OOH network." #DSA

¿Qué ideas podemos destacar? Algunas perlas, algunas obviedades... pero todos son comentarios que necesitamos escuchar y poner en práctica:
  • Es importante conectar al público con las expectativas del canal
  • El digital signage es parte del viaje del consumidor en el punto de venta
  • La táctica de comunicación fuera de la tienda debe estar alineada con la táctica dentro de la tienda (lo que remarca que el DS no es un todo, así que todos los elementos de comunicación dentro y fuera de la tienda nos importan y debemos conocerlos)
  • Evolucionemos del consumidor al comprador, y del comprador al cliente activo
  • Conseguir la participación del cliente, generar un buen entorno (ambiente)
  • Transmitir estilos de vida que encajen con los consumidores
  • El contenido DS enfocado en educar y entretener clientes consigue la atención, ayuda a los empleados... y los artículos promocionados consiguen un aumento de ventas del 46% (Caso Dunkin Donuts)

Muchas gracias al seguimiento de Chuck Gose (@MediaTile) y Bill Jackey (@DigSignageToday), y espero que Paul Flanigan haga un buen resumen en
