Swedish Electronics Retailer Creates 7500 Screen Digital Signage Network

Expert, a 200 store Swedish electronics retailer, has announced it is to partner with Frontcast Media and Teracom Satellite to deliver a digital signage solution to its 7,500 TV screens. The company will deliver 3 channels of HD quality content, that will offer tailored programming for
each inidividual store.

Content will focus on supporting TV sales to their 22 million customers per year, but there will also be slots for training employees and 3rd party advertising and promotions for other Expert supplier partners.

The company looked at a range of solutions, but settled on Teracom's satellites as they provided true uncompressed 1080p HD content that could be easily distributed through-out the store. Frontcast Media supplied the back-bone of set-top box receivers, greatly simplifying in-store networking and hardware requirements, and ensuring universal connectivity to the upto 70 different types of TV screen's on show in the stores.

