Financial Times alerta en una campaña que recortar la publicidad durante la crisis es un error

El diario económico Financial Times ha lanzado una campaña en Reino Unido que alerta a los anunciantes del error de recortar el presupuesto de marketing como una medida ante la crisis global. La creatividad, obra de DDB London, se puede ver en las vallas de Londres. Son vallas vacías en las que en una esquina aparece un pequeño anuncio con el logo del diario que dice: "Crisis global. ¿Cuál es el primer error de las empresas?".

La campaña redirige a los consumidores a la web, en la que se recogen diversos estudios que señalan que las empresas que no reducen su inversión en marketing en épocas de crisis salen beneficiadas.

Independent studies show that advertising in a downturn gives you increased share of voice, increased market share and increased profitability over time.

McKinsey study:

  • The companies who increased their spend in a recession were the only ones whose profits rose substantially when the economy recovered.

Read the McKinsey study

Patrick Barwise, London Business School Professor of Management & Marketing:

  • The advantages of maintaining or increasing marketing effort are greater than the short-term benefits of reducing spend.

Read Patrick Barwise's report

Hillier analysis of 1,000 companies on the PIMS (Profit Impact on Market Strategy) database after the early 1990s recession:

  • The companies who had cut their marketing budgets saw ROCE (return on capital employed) decline by 0.8% after the recession.
  • Those who increased their marketing activity saw an increase of 4.3%.

McGraw-Hill research, analysing 600 companies from 1980-1985:

  • The sales of companies who had kept advertising during the 81-82 recession had risen 256% over those who had not.

Roi Iglesias
